Donation page
Hogy a közéleti diskurzus ne legyen többé fiúöltöző szagú!
1000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Fröccs és kóla
1000 HUF  
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
3000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
5000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Csirkepöri nokival
5000 HUF  
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Új világ
10000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Batyus buli
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.