Szilágyi "Zoé" artpunk festőművész
Donation page
Hogy az energiáimat KREATIVITÁSRA és ALKOTÁSRA s nem pedig a túlélésre használhassam- mert a festés nem életbiztosítás viszont egész embert kíván 24/7-ben.
1000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Festék-ecset zsebpénz
5000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
10000 HUF
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Kaja és némi festőeszköz
15000 HUF
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
100000 HUF
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
200000 HUF
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Gondtalan élet
500000 HUF
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
the Creator's account within a few minutes.