Lesson plans and teaching aid
Donation page
Save time with us. We give you lesson plans, structured homework for you students, teaching aid and complete guidance on how to be great at teaching English.

It's like a franchise: you pay us less than the price of a 45-minute lesson, but you can save long hours of preparation work. We provide our know-how and you can become a member of those 200 tutors worldwide who can make a great career teaching English.

Still not sure? We are abolutely sure that you will be satisfied. :)
That's why we offer you money back guarantee: if you are not happy with our service, we wil pay your money back in the first 7 days.
-50% lifetime access only until this Wednesday (02.19.)
9 USD Monthly
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the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Join us and become a member of those 200 tutors who are working with us. We are looking forward to working with you. :)
Basic plan
18 USD Monthly
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Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Join us and become a member of those 200 tutors who are working with us. We are looking forward to working with you. :)