Bakancslista poweeeeer :)
Donation page
A célom az lenne, hogy el juthassak külföldre, mielőtt meghalok , semmi egyéb! Segíts abban, hogy az álmom valóra válhasson :)
400 HUF  
I support
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the Creator's account within a few minutes.
Támogass egy KV árával, vagy akár többel is, a döntés a tied :)
2000 HUF Monthly
I support
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the Creator's account within a few minutes.
3000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
5000 HUF Monthly
I support
Your donation will appear in
the Creator's account within a few minutes.
500000 HUF Monthly
I support
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the Creator's account within a few minutes.